Italian Helmets (1887-current):


Italian Model 1887 Pith Helmet

The Kingdom of Italy used a variety of pith helmets during the early days of their colonial empire building. These included British-made examples, as well as those made domestically by hat makers.

This example is of the 1887 pattern, and may have been produced sometime in the 1880s or 1890s. This model remained in use until the introduction of the Model 1928 helmet.


Italian Model 1911 Pith Helmet

This pith helmet was likely made in India after the turn of the century, and is of the pattern most commonly referred to as the Model 1911 Sun Helmet. It does not feature the cockade, and most interesting is marked with the name of "LIEUT COM C.S.JACKSON.- H.M.S. 'VENUS'."

Possibly this helmet was acquired by a British sailor in World War I or World War II. No other information is available.


Italian Model 1928 Pith Helmet

Modeled after the British Wolesley pattern Foreign Service Helmet, the Italian Model 1928 was first introduced in 1935 and remained in service until the end of World War II.

This example features the insignia of the 10th Granatieri (Grenadier) Division, which served with the 65th GRANATIERI DI SAVOIA in North Africa at the start of World War II.


Italian Model 1928 Pith Helmet

This Italian Model 1928 sun helmet features the badge and feathers of the 8th Bersaglieri. In February 1941 the 8th Bersaglieri regiment landed at Tripoli and were incorporated into the Ariete Armoured Division. The XX Motorised Corps working in support of the 132nd Tank regiment were the most active and well known heavy armored unit in the Italian Army.


Italian Model 1928 Pith Helmet

An example of a straw Model 1928 helmet, most likely a result of wartime shortage of preferred material such as cork.


  Italian Model 1933 Steel Helmet (Savoy Cavalry)

The Model 1933 was used by the Italian armed forces during World War II. Most were painted a green-gray color until 1940, when a darker shade of green was used. In 1934 stenciled emblems were adopted for all the various units of the Italian military.

This helmet features the regimental distinction of the 3rd Savoy Cavalry Regiment. The helmet was actually painted black and features a reverse stencil thus the gray top coat of paint, which was used primary by Savoy Cavalry units.

The unit wore the black cross on their hats and helmets in commemoration of the battle of Madonna di Campana in 1706. This unit fought with bravery on the Eastern Front and actually took part in the last successful cavalry charge in modern warfare.


Italian Model 1933 Steel Helmet used by the MVSN

This helmet features the stencil insignia of the ‘Blackshirts’ or MVSN (Voluntary Militia for Nation Security). These troops were the military arm of the Italian Fascist Party, much like the SS in Nazi Germany. While the Italian army typically used gray-green helmets the MVSN used black helmets with yellow stencils throughout the war.


Italian Model 1933 Steel Helmet (Alini)

This helmet features the stencil insignia of alpine (“alpini”) troops.


Italian Model 1942/60 Paratrooper Helmet

This is the definitive version of the post-war paratrooper helmets. The steel shell is identical to the war time version (M-42), and many of these shells are in fact wartime versions that were refurbished for post-war use. This model features a new style liner system along with a khaki canvas chin-strap.


Italian Police Sun Helmet

Based on the Italian colonial pattern sun helmet, the summer police helmet used in various Italian cities by the police. This one features the police badge of Genoa.


  Italian Police Sun Helmet

A variation of the Italian police sun helmet, this example features the police badge of Venice.